
“Heartbeat of Hope”: Lifesaving AED in Action on the Field


Bessan, a picturesque town in the south of France, is known for its rich history and vibrant community, Bessan is also home to the Déferlantes, a women's rugby team that has gained local fame for their spirit and determination. But one evening at Ibanez Stadium, the heart of this close-knit community almost stopped—literally—when their beloved coach, Patrice Cousin, suddenly collapsed during a routine training session, suffering a heart attack…

A Routine Practice Turns into
a Life-Or-Death Situation

It was an ordinary evening for the Déferlantes and their coach, Patrice. The team was preparing for an upcoming match by playing a friendly game against a group of veterans—former male players who had gathered to stay active after retiring from competitive rugby. Patrice, as he often did, decided to join the practice to help his players sharpen their skills.

During the game, Patrice took a hard impact—a clash so routine in rugby that no one thought twice about it. At first, he shrugged it off. But as the players regrouped for the final drill, something shifted.

Patrice felt a sudden wave of dizziness, his vision blurred, and his legs became unsteady. Before anyone could react, he collapsed to the ground. The moment Patrice hit the ground, the game came to an abrupt stop. Both teammates and opponents rushed toward him, the gravity of the situation quickly setting in.

Whistles blew, and urgent calls for help echoed across the field. Within seconds, the players formed a tight circle around him, their faces etched with concern.

Patrice Cousin

Age: 54

Former Rugby Player (France's Federal 2 League)

Coach of the Déferlantes rugby team

Started rugby at age 9, retired from professional play at 47

Intense training routine: CrossFit & weights, 5 mornings a week

No prior history of heart issues

The Golden 3 Minutes

Among those who sprang into action were firefighter Clément Blan and rugby player Sandra Pisheir. Clément immediately checked Patrice's breathing and pulse after he collapsed, and began performing CPR, working tirelessly to maintain circulation. Meanwhile, Sandra sprinted to retrieve the newly installed Mindray BeneHeart C1 AED, the very tool that would make all the difference.

Sandra recalls: "As soon as the defibrillator arrived, we placed it on the ground and opened the lid to turn on the device quickly. The AED began providing audio instructions, which we followed step by step."

“We cut Patrice's T-shirt off and positioned the two electrodes according to the diagrams. The AED analyzed Patrice's heart condition and then delivered the shock.”

As the first shock coursed through Patrice, every eye was fixed on his chest as it fell back to the ground. In that heavy silence, his eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes.

"When I fell to the ground, I was dead for three minutes. The AED did its job and with just one shock, it brought me right back. I woke up in good condition and said that I want to keep playing!" Patrice recalls with a smile.

Patrice was then transferred to the hospital by helicopter, where he underwent surgery to repair his heart lesion and have an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator placed.

Sandra Pisheir

Team member of Déferlantes rugby team

Patrice was unconscious for three minutes, but it felt so much longer. Having the AED available was crucial. Without it, I don't believe he would be with us today

The Vital Role of
The Newly Installed AED

Adding a dramatic layer to Patrice's story is the fact that the life-saving AED at the stadium had only been installed a mere 3 weeks before.

"The night before, I had arrived at the stadium and noticed the defibrillator for the first time. It had only been installed three weeks earlier and in the evening, it was used it to save my life," shares Patrice.

The AED at Ibanez Stadium was installed as part of an initiative led by the president of the Bessan Sports Rugby Club, Olivier Ruiz. Olivier recognized the absence of a defibrillator during his first season at the club, viewing it as a crucial safety measure for both players and spectators. He approached the town hall with a request for funding, and in 2024 March, an AED was successfully installed.

Olivier Ruiz

President of the Bessan Rugby Club

Having an AED at a stadium or any public establishment is extremely important. These devices should be available everywhere, and other sports clubs should take note and understand that a defibrillator can save a life.

Patrice's story reiterates the critical importance of having AEDs in public spaces and encouraging first-aid training.

Each year, between 40,000 and 50,000 cardiac arrests are recorded in France, but barely 1 in 10 people survive with timely help[1]. Immediate action, such as performing CPR and using a defibrillator to deliver an electric shock, can significantly increase survival chances. In fact, the use of an AED during cardiac arrest boosts the likelihood of survival by 40%.

It is estimated that France has around 100,000 to 150,000 AEDs installed across the country[2]. Comparing this to the 2021 European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guidelines, which recommend 2 AEDs per square kilometer[3], there remains a pressing need for these life-saving devices.

Passing on Hope:
From Survivor to Advocate

Following the surgery, Patrice's recovery has been progressing well. "I started brisk walking quickly, then moved on to light running and some weight training, although not too much, since I haven't gotten the green light from my doctor yet," he shares. Just four and a half months later, Patrice estimates that he has already recovered 95% of his physical capacity. "My goal is to get back to 100%, and I'm almost there."

Reflecting on his experience, Patrice feels a profound sense of gratitude. "The only thing I can share is that I'm just happy to be here. I can still laugh, keep coaching, and enjoy life. This will be my last year coaching, as I told the girls when I returned. Every day now feels like a bonus, and I'm looking forward to experiencing so much more."

In recognition of the life-saving role the AED played in his recovery, Patrice received a gift from Mindray—a new BeneHeart C1 AED. But instead of keeping it for himself, he decided to donate it to the community of Bessan.

Stéphane Pépin-Bonnet

Mayor of Bessan

It's an incredible gesture. This AED will contribute to the safety of our residents and everyone who uses our public facilities. It's another layer of protection for our community.

In the past three years, the pace of AED installations in France has accelerated significantly to improve access to these life-saving devices, including over 13,000 Mindray AEDs. Every day, new devices are being deployed to enhance community safety and help safeguard lives.

Patrice Cousin

Coach of the Déferlantes female rugby team

Given the importance of AEDs, I think AEDs should be standard in all sports venues, care facilities, and public places, especially here in the south of France with heat all the tourists who visit. These devices should be everywhere.


[1] schema.data.gouv.fr (n.d.). Les Défibrillateurs Automatisés Externes (DAE). RéféRentiel de schémas de Données Publiques. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from https://schema.data.gouv.fr/atlasante/schema-dae/

[2] Rose Michael. (n.d.). AED Legistration. European Emergency Number Association. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from https://eena.org/wp-content/uploads/2020_01_07_AED_Legislation_Final-1.pdf.

[3] Semeraro, F., Greif, R., B?ttiger, B. W., Burkart, R., Cimpoesu, D., Georgiou, M., ... & Monsieurs, K. G. (2021). European resuscitation council guidelines 2021: systems saving lives. Resuscitation, 161, 80-97.
